Happy Canada Day!
Now that summer is finally here and Canada’s birthday has rolled around, it’s time to celebrate with backyard barbecues and outdoor fun. We’ve got a few recipes, some fun activities to keep learning fresh, and more, so keep reading!

Welcome our new team member, Daniel the Beaver!
Here at Telegraph Road Entertainment, we’re excited to introduce you to our newest member, Daniel the Beaver. Daniel the Beaver was born in the woodlands of Canada on April 7 – National Beaver Day. He loves going on adventures to new places – there’s always so much to learn! Daniel the Beaver likes to meet people and animals everywhere he goes. He loves playing word games and dressing for adventures, but his favourite thing to do is learn new Canadian facts. Daniel the Beaver loves learning so much he became the Official Fact Finder for Telegraph Road Entertainment. Look for Daniel the Beaver’s adventures in The Fun Canadian Search and Find Activity Pads, coming to Costco Canada.
Follow along with Daniel the Beaver as he learns new things. You can meet Daniel the Beaver on Instagram at @daniel_the_beaver_ and on Facebook for fun games, facts, and more. #danielthebeaver
Plus, you can learn more about Daniel the Beaver on our new, updated website at telegraphroad.ca. Now you can browse and shop our wonderful products across Telegraph Road Entertainment and Canadian Curriculum Press, as well as many fun products from our distribution partners including Bendon Publishing Inc, Carson Dellosa Publishing, The Learning Journey, Sassi Junior, and Toy Wonders.
Canada Day, which is all about cooking outdoors, having fun, and dressing in as much red and white as possible. Try cooking up some Canadian favourites, like this a classic summer drink - pink lemonade. Try out the recipe below.

½ cup chopped watermelon
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup lemon juice
4 cups of water
1. Blend the watermelon, sugar, lemon juice and 1 cup of water together in a blender
2. Put the remaining 3 cups of water in your pitcher
3. Pour the blended mixture into the pitcher through a mesh sieve
4. Add ice if desired
Stir and enjoy!

Now that you’ve got your refreshments, it’s time for that Canada Day spirit. Making tie-dye shirts is a great activity that lets your child explore their creative side. They can make their own Canada Day tie-dye shirts by following the instructions below. These shirts use food colouring, so eventually the colours will wash out. Alternatively, you can use fabric paints or dye kits.
Materials needed:
White T-shirt
Elastic bands
Red food colouring (or any colours of your choice)
Empty water bottle
Giant bowl
Plastic wrap or Ziploc bag
Rubber gloves
`1. Measure out 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water into the giant bowl. Soak your white shirt in the bowl for one hour.
2. Put on your rubber gloves and wring out the shirt so it is just damp. Twist your shirt and use the rubber bands to make a design. Get creative and make your own or look up a design online.
3. Take the empty water bottle and poke a hole in the lid with the thumbtack. Put ½ cup of water in the bottle and add at least 16 drops of red food colouring.
4. Use the water bottle to apply the dye to your shirt. Have fun!
5. Wrap your shirt in plastic wrap or a Ziploc bag and leave it for 8 hours.
6. Mix ½ cup of salt into just enough water to have it dissolve.
7. Take your shirt out of the plastic wrap or Ziploc bag and soak it in the salt water for 15-30 minutes. This helps the dye set.
8. Remove the rubber bands and wash your shirt
9. Wear it with pride!
Try out different colours by mixing food colouring to teach your child about primary and secondary colours.
While your kids are making tie-dye shirts and sipping on some sweet lemonade, you can discover more about Canada with our Proudly Canadian Canada Coast to Coast word search book. Each of the 75 unique word search puzzles features a fun blurb with Canadian facts from across the country. This book makes a perfect lazy long weekend activity, and you can kick back with your own glass of pink lemonade to complete it.
July is about more than just Canada Day – there’s lots to appreciate as summer rolls in. It’s important to take time to get outside and exercise. We're introducing Daniel the Beaver's Take a Walk Day on July 7. Walking is a great, low-impact activity that’s good for your cardiovascular health. It is also a great way to enjoy nature, whether you're in a park, on a hiking trail, or just admiring flowerbeds down the sidewalk. Join Daniel the Beaver on a walk through nature over on Instagram and share with your walk with us #danielthebeaver Try mixing your walk with a game of Search & Find to help your child expand their vocabulary and work on word association. Make sure to stay safe!

You butter be ready for National Cow Appreciation Day on July 13.
Canada has a huge dairy industry and Canadian milk helps make plenty of delicious foods like cheese, yogurt, and even ice cream! There are over one million dairy cows in Canada.
Consider researching dairy farming or trying this fun activity to make your own butter.

Heavy cream (preferably whipping cream with 35% fat)
A jar with a good lid
1. Fill the jar halfway with the cream.
2. Secure the lid and make sure there are no leaks.
3. Shake!
4. Continue shaking until butter is formed. As you shake, the cream will form whipping cream, then buttermilk, then butter. This process takes a few minutes, so keep shaking!
5. Rinse your butter under cold water to remove the last of the buttermilk (This helps keep the butter fresher for longer)
Spread it on your favourite bread and enjoy!

Then, July 14 is every kid’s favourite day – National Mac & Cheese Day. Macaroni and cheese is a delicious dish, and everything from the basic Kraft box to gourmet dishes hits the spot. Try out our recipe below to serve up some cheesy goodness on this day. And remember – getting kids to help in the kitchen helps teach them important life skills while reinforcing math skills and following directions.
Simple Stovetop Mac and Cheese
2 cups of elbow macaroni (or any pasta substitute)
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
1 cup milk
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1. Cook pasta according to directions. Set aside.
2. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter
3. Add flour and whisk to create a roux. Cook for 1 minute.
4. Add milk and whisk until smooth.
5. Cook sauce on medium-high heat until it thickens. (Don’t let it boil!)
6. Add 2 cups of grated cheese to sauce and whisk until smooth. Season with salt and pepper if desired.
7. Add the pre-cooked pasta to the saucepan and stir until all the noodles are fully coated.
Serve and enjoy!
You can mix up your mac and cheese by sneaking in some vegetables, sprinkling on some bacon, or even using different types of cheeses in the sauce.
Keep the dairy (or lactose free substitutes) coming with National Ice Cream Day on July 18. What’s your favourite flavour? Let us know on Instagram @telegraphroad.entertainment. And don't forget to check in with Daniel the Beaver to discover his favourite flavour.
Flash Card of the Month
This month’s flash card of the month is Time and Money. Telling time and understanding money are important life skills that will help your child understand value, punctuality, and responsibility. Use these flash cards to help them read analogue clocks and memorize the value of Canadian coins. They can practise these skills in real life, too. Let your child count out change to buy their ice cream on National Ice Cream Day or set them a task to do at a specific time.

We’ll be catching up with Daniel the Beaver to see what he’s been up to, as well as celebrating the Civic Holiday, National Colouring Book Day, and National Aviation Day. Plus, we’ll have some jokes for National Tell a Joke Day, some outdoor activities to make the most of August’s weather, and some back-to-school prep suggestions.

We love hearing from you!
You can connect with us on Instagram at @telegraphroad.entertainment and @canadiancurriculumpress and by visiting our Facebook page @TelegraphRoadEntertainment.
Share your learning adventures with us by tagging us on Facebook @canadiancurriculumpress or hashtag us #canadiancurriculumpress #telegraphroadentertainment #danielthebeaver
Happy July!
