Welcome back to the Telegraph Road Entertainment blog. We took a little break in February, but we’re back with fun activities, recipes, and days to celebrate. March means spring approaches, and with the groundhogs declaring six weeks of winter, we’re eagerly anticipating the spring thaw. We’re also featuring some products to help your child practise their grammar skills to celebrate National Grammar Day.
Start March by flipping some flapjacks for Pancake Tuesday on March 1.
Pancakes are a quick and easy meal that children can help make. Measuring ingredients is great fraction practise, and reading recipes helps with reading comprehension and following directions. Try this fruit-filled pancake recipe – and pair it with some yummy Canadian maple syrup!
Mixed Berry Pancakes
1 cup flour
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup milk
1 egg
2 tbsp softened butter
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup mixed berries
1. Mix flour, brown sugar, baking powder and salt together.
2. In a separate bowl, mix together milk, egg, melted butter, and vanilla.
3. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
4. Stir in the mixed berries.
5. Cook in a large skillet on medium heat until brown on each side. Flip when bubbles appear in the centre.
6. Top with syrup and enjoy!
Have fun mixing up the type of fruit you use or make your pancakes decadent with whipped cream or powdered sugar.
March 4 is National Grammar Day.
Practise your parts of speech, prepare to properly punctuate, and write wonderful sentences on this day devoted to grammar. Helping your child work on their grammar skills will give them a better foundation for reading and writing. Try pointing out words on road signs, turn on closed captioning on television shows, or read a story aloud to increase your child’s vocabulary. Want more grammar practise? Check out our graded Reading books.
It is important to help your child develop healthy eating habits. On National Pack Your Lunch Day, March 10, work together with your child to pack a healthy lunch for school. Go over Canada’s Food Guide and talk about how many servings of fruits, vegetables, dairy, grains, and meat and alternatives your child should be eating each day. Look through grocery store flyers and have your child identifying healthy foods. Fill out a meal plan for the next week to help your child practise thinking about healthy eating.
March 12 is National Plant a Flower Day. It's time to bring spring into your life with this fun science activity. Get your spring flowers started inside and watch them grow. Once the ground thaws, they can be planted outside. Otherwise, you can plant them in a flowerpot and keep them inside.
Flower Planting Activity
1 egg carton
Potting soil
Flower seeds
Plastic spoon
Popsicle sticks
1. Take the egg carton and cut out each small section into individual pots.
2. Using the plastic spoon, fill each section halfway with potting soil.
3. Take a flower seed and put it into the section.
4. Cover the seed with some more potting soil. Make sure you look at the instructions on your seed package.
5. Add water to dampen the soil.
6. Write the type of flower on the popsicle stick and stick it into the pot. Repeat as many times as you want. Consider planting different types of flowers in each section.
Make sure your seed pots get plenty of sunlight and are watered regularly. Have your child keep track of each seed’s growth over a month. Talk about all the things plants need to survive and have your child think about how different amounts of sunlight and water can affect a plant’s growth.
Daylight Savings Time starts on March 13, so remember to “spring forward” your clocks one hour if you live in a province or territory observes it. Did you know Daylight Savings Time began over a century ago in 1918 to help increase wartime production? Daylight Savings Time provides an opportunity to help your child practise telling time and discuss the seasons and the movement of the sun.
Celebrate Pi Day on March 14 by eating some delicious pie and helping your child practise their math facts. Whether your child is learning counting, addition, or multiplication, pi day is the perfect time to help your child hone their math skills. Check out our Canadian Curriculum Press flash cards, Numbers, Multiplication, and Addition for more practise. Flash cards can help children memorize math facts and develop faster recall.
The spring equinox occurs on March 20, marking the beginning of Spring. We’ve talked about daylight savings time, planted flowers, and now it’s time to welcome the spring season. If weather permits, spend the day outside getting some exercise and look for signs of spring. Do you see any birds? Try to identify any animals or plants you see. If weather doesn’t permit, try to watch a nature show or read a book about animals.
Sharpen your pencils for National Pencil Day on March 30. This day marks the date Hymen Lipman patented the graphite pencil with attached eraser. Pencils are great for doing math problems and practising letter writing, and erasers make fixing mistakes easy. You can find pencils in many fun patterns and colours, although nothing beats a classic yellow number 2 pencil. Practising with a pencil can help your child improve their hand-eye coordination as well as their letter and number forms.
The Adventures of Daniel the Beaver
Daniel the Beaver has been taking a little social media break because of the cold weather, but for now you can find him in his first eBook, Daniel the Beaver’s Alphabet and Phonics Adventure. Practise letter sounds and letter tracing with this downloadable and printable eBook. Plus, kids will enjoy the bright illustrations and fun jokes inside.
With National Grammar Day, March is the perfect month to work on your child’s reading and writing skills. Pair our Sight Words Flash Cards with our graded Reading and Writing workbooks. These workbooks, written by teachers working in Canadian classrooms, cover many key skills, including consonant and vowel sounds, parts of speech, punctuation, reading comprehension, and writing skills, and more!
Next Month on the Blog
April is Mathematics Awareness Month, so we’ll be tackling some more math strategies and ways to promote hands-on math learning. We’ll also be talking about rainbows, map reading, dolphins, and writing haikus.
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