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Bundled into October

Jessica Anne Carter

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

There’s a chill in the air and that can only mean one thing – autumn has arrived. Of course, October has a lot going for it beyond the re-emergence of pumpkin spice everything and some beautiful leaves. This tenth month of the year brings Thanksgiving and the spookiest holiday – Halloween.

October is Women’s History Month here in Canada. October 18 is the anniversary of the famous Persons Case in 1929 that had women declared “persons” and equal under the BNA Act. Canada has made great strides in women’s equality since then, but it is still important to highlight the contributions women have made to Canada and the world. For this month, consider only reading books by Canadian women, or read a biography of an important Canadian woman. You can also seek out films and TV shows written, directed, and/or produced by Canadian women. Follow us on Instagram as we showcase 31 Canadian women trailblazers each day in October.

Start off October right with National Homemade Cookies Day today, October 1. Nothing tastes better than a homemade cookie fresh out of the oven. Reading recipes help children recognize fractions and help with close reading and following directions.

Easy Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies


½ cup butter

½ cup granulated sugar

¼ cup brown sugar

2 tsp vanilla

1 large egg

1 ¾ cups flour

½ tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

1 cup chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 F.

2. Melt butter in microwave (approx. 40 sec).

3. Combine butter and both sugars in a large bowl, then add vanilla and egg. Mix.

4. Add flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix until the dough is soft and a bit sticky.

5. Stir in chocolate chips.

6. Use a spoon to scoop dough into 1-inch balls of dough on to a cookie sheet. Make sure you keep the dough about 2 inches apart.

7. Bake cookies for 7-10 minutes.

Consider jazzing up your cookies with food colouring or by substituting other sweets like M&Ms Show us your cookies by tagging @telegraphroad.entertainment and using #nationalhomemadecookiesday.

Now that we’ve snacked on cookies, it’s time to take on National Child Health Day on October 4. Helping children be aware of their bodies and health concerns is important for a balanced lifestyle. Diet and exercise are important for everyone’s health and explaining why they are important will help children better understand why they can’t just eat candy all day. Don’t forget to go outside for some exercise! Whether you go for a walk to see the changing leaves or play outdoor games, exercise is great for everyone’s health.

A fun way to explain health is to make children aware of their body’s internal systems with Sassi’s Human Body Puzzle. This 3-ft tall puzzle will help your child learn about many of the body’s systems, including the skeletal, circulatory, and digestive systems. Special puzzle pieces shaped like important organs will help them understand how these systems fit together. The puzzle comes with a 32-page book with loads of interesting facts and information about the human body.

October 5 is World Teacher’s Day so don’t forget to thank your teachers for all their hard work. Teachers often go above and beyond for their students, and exceptional teachers help children become lifelong learners. Help your child show their appreciation for their teacher, whether that means making a thank you card, giving a gift, or just expressing themselves verbally. We’re expressing our love for teachers with a discount on orders over $50.00 CAD on our Canadian Curriculum Press website. Use code WorldTeacherDay2021 at the checkout.

We’re holding out for a hero on National Hero Day on October 8. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, real and fictional. Who is your hero? Let us know on Instagram using the hashtag #nationalheroday and tagging @telegraphroad.entertainment.

After discussing bodily health on October 4, don’t forget to take care of your mental health on October 10 – World Mental Health Day. Opening conversations about mental health can help your child feel more comfortable discussing their feelings and any issues they are having. Make sure to take time for your own mental health as well. Take a break from social media, do a self-care activity, or even just take a quiet moment for yourself. Schedule regular check-ins with yourself and your child to make sure you’re staying on top of any problems or issues.

Keep practising self-care and mental health awareness as you head into the Thanksgiving long weekend October 9 –11. Taking time to think about all the things we’re thankful for is a great way to stay positive and connect with those that matter most. Gather with your family, friends, or the people who mean the most to you, whether it is in person or over video or phone calls.

We have some fun Thanksgiving activities that will have you gobbling with laughter. For a fun after-dinner game, try some Thanksgiving Pictionary. Write Thanksgiving words like turkey, stuffing, autumn, and more on pieces of paper and split your family into two teams. You can also do charades instead of Pictionary – just wait until someone is the turkey!

Another fun combo craft and activity for Thanksgiving is Turkey Bowling. Get your kids engaged and having fun making the turkey bowling pins before dinner, then after dinner have a tournament to see who becomes the top turkey.

Turkey Bowling

Materials needed:

Plastic solo cups

Brown paint

Construction paper (orange, red, yellow, green)

Safety scissors


Googly eyes

A small ball (like a tennis ball)


1. Paint the solo cups brown and set aside to dry.

2. Cut out triangles for beaks from the orange construction paper. Cut out pentagon shapes from the red, yellow, and green paper to make the turkey’s caruncles.

3. Once the cups are dry, glue the caruncles, beaks, and googly eyes to each cup to make a turkey.

4. Get ready to bowl! Use a small ball like a tennis ball for safe indoor play.

Practise and praise can help children become more confident in themselves and their abilities. On National Youth Confidence Day, October 20, celebrate inspirational youth and talk to your child about who inspires them. Encouraging confidence is important for children’s self-esteem and mental health. Whether your child is taking on the world or just tackling their math homework, make sure to give them the support they need to grow and gain confidence.

October 21 is National Reptile Awareness Day. Reptiles come in lots of shapes and sizes and are a part of Canada’s diverse ecosystem. From the common snapping turtle to the five-lined skink, reptiles are endlessly fascinating, cold-blooded animals. Did you know that the five-lined skink is Ontario’s only lizard? Daniel the Beaver had a fun time meeting Phillip the Five-Lined Skink. Check out Daniel the Beaver’s Instagram post on Oct. 21 to learn more about five-lined skinks, and see Phillip illustrated by our wonderful Illustrator Stephanie Amatori.

Bust out the costumes and carve out the pumpkins because October ends with Halloween! This spooky holiday has plenty of opportunity for creativity, yummy treats, and skill development. SHOP our Halloween colouring books. Light up your Halloween with this cute pumpkin and ghost candle jars activity. Make sure to be safe when using candles or consider using battery-powered tea lights.

Pumpkin and Ghost Candle Jars

Materials Needed:

Two clean, de-labelled jars

White and orange tissue paper

Black markets



Tea lights


1. Put the glue in a bowl and mix with a bit of water

2. Cut or tear the tissue paper into strips

3. Dip the strips of tissue paper in the glue, then adhere them around the outside of the jars.

4. Cover with multiple layers. Set aside and let dry.

5. Use the marker to draw faces and decorate the jars. Alternatively, you can cut out and glue black construction paper to make the faces.

6. Use tea lights to light up your jars.

Daniel the Beaver’s Learning Adventures

Daniel the Beaver was a busy beaver in September! Daniel the Beaver started school, went golfing, flew a kite, and celebrated Orange Shirt Day. He also learned the height of Mount Logan, when bagged milk was invented, and the rocks that make up the Canadian Shield. Join him in October for more fun adventures on Instagram @daniel_the_beaver_.

Plus, we’re excited to be launching Daniel the Beaver’s first educational eBook! Join the scavenger hunt to @daniel_the_beaver_ on Instagram to reveal this product for a chance to win the grand prize $100 gift card to and Plus, ten people will win a free download of the educational eBook!

In celebration of Daniel the Beaver’s eBook, this month’s Flash Card of the Month is Phonics. These phonics cards help your child practise word sounds and recognize rhyming words. These cards help children learn and practise the building blocks of simple words. The back of each card over has a list of words that contain the sound on the front, which helps children start recognizing word sounds and begin reading. Have your child race to see how many words for each sound they can write or name in a minute or write simple poems to practise rhyming.

We head into November, we’re celebrating Canada History Week, National STEM/STEAM Day, and Remembrance Day. Plus, we’ll have our Christmas Gift Guide so you can get a head start on the Christmas season.

We love hearing from you!

You can connect with us on Instagram at @telegraphroad.entertainment and @canadiancurriculumpress and by visiting our Facebook page @TelegraphRoadEntertainment. Share your learning adventures with us by tagging us on Facebook @canadiancurriculumpress or hashtag us #canadiancurriculumpress #telegraphroadentertainment #danielthebeaver

Have a lovely October!


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